Warung Bebas

Minggu, 30 September 2012

Deadliest natural disasters in history

A natural disaster is the consequence of a natural hazard (e.g. volcanic eruption, earthquake, landslide) which moves from potential in to an active phase, and as a result affects human activities. In some cases these disasters have lead to the loss of millions of lives. This is a list of the top 10 natural disasters (ranked by number of fatalities). From fewest to most killed:

10. Aleppo Earthquake – 1138, Syria [Deaths: 230,000]

The Citadel at Aleppo

Aleppo is located along the northern part of the Dead Sea Transform system of geologic faults, which is a plate boundary separating the Arabian plate from the African plate. The earthquake was the beginning of the first of two intense sequences of earthquakes in the region: October 1138 to June 1139 and a much more intense series from September 1156 to May 1159.

The worst hit area was Harim, where Crusaders had built a large citadel. Sources indicate that the castle was destroyed and the church fell in on itself. The fort of Atharib, then occupied by Muslims, was destroyed. The citadel also collapsed, killing 600 of the castle guard, though the governor and some servants survived, and fled to Mosul.

9. Indian Ocean Earthquake – 2004, Indian Ocean [Deaths: 230,000]

The tsunami hits

The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake, known by the scientific community as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, was an undersea earthquake that occurred at 00:58:53 UTC (07:58:53 local time) December 26, 2004, with an epicentre off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The earthquake triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing large numbers of people and inundating coastal communities.

The magnitude of the earthquake was originally recorded as 9.0, but has been increased to between 9.1 and 9.3. At this magnitude, it is the second largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. It was large enough that it caused the entire planet to vibrate as much as half an inch, or over a centimetre.

8. Banqiao Dam Failure – 1975, China [Deaths: 231,000]

The dam After it failed

Banqiao Dam was designed to survive a 1-in-1,000-year flood (306 mm (12 inches) rainfall per day). In August of 1975, however, a 1-in-2,000 year flood occurred, pouring more than a year’s rainfall in 24 hours, which weather forecasts failed to predict. The sluice gates were not able to handle the overflow of water, partially due to sedimentation blockage. As a result of the blockage, 64 dams failed.

When the dam finally burst, it caused a large wave, which was 10 kilometers (6 miles) wide, 3-7 meters (9-23 feet) high, to rush downwards into the plains below at nearly 50 kilometers per hour (31 mph). It almost wiped out an area 55 kilometers long, 15 kilometers wide, and created temporary lakes as large as 12,000 km² (4,600 square miles). Evacuation orders had not been fully delivered because of weather conditions and poor communications.

7. Tangshan Earthquake – 1976, China [Deaths: 242,000]

Aftermath of the quake

The Tangshan earthquake is one of the largest earthquakes to hit the modern world, in terms of the loss of life. The epicentre of the earthquake was near Tangshan in Hebei, China, an industrial city with approximately one million inhabitants. The earthquake hit in the early morning, at 03:42:53.8 local time (1976 July 27 19:42:53.8 UTC), and lasted for around 15 seconds. Chinese Government’s official sources state 7.8 on the Richter magnitude scale, though some sources list it as 8.2. It was the first earthquake in recent history to score a direct hit on a major city.

The People’s Republic of China government refused to accept international aid, and its own efforts were criticized as inadequate. It was also criticized for having ignored scientists’ warnings of the need to prepare for an earthquake. The ramifications of the political situation created, largely contributed to the end of the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
6. Kaifeng Flood – 1642, China [Deaths: 300,000]

Kaifeng today

Kaifeng, a prefecture-level city in eastern Henan province, People’s Republic of China, located along the southern bank of the Yellow River, was flooded in 1642 by the Ming army with water from Yellow River to prevent the peasant rebel Li Zicheng from taking over. Roughly half of the 600,000 residents of Kaifeng were killed by the flood and the ensuing peripheral disasters such as famine and plague, making it one of the deadliest single acts of war in history (excluding systematic genocide) and the second greatest single loss of human life of its time. The flood is sometimes referred to as a natural disaster due to the role of the Huang He river.

5. India Cyclone – 1839, India [Deaths: 300,000+]

A site near Coringa today

In 1839, a 40-foot tidal wave caused by an enormous cyclone wiped out the harbor city of Coringa that was never entirely rebuilt; 20,000 vessels in the bay were destroyed and 300,000 people died. This was not the first major catastrophe to occur in Coringa: in 1789 three tidal waves caused by a cyclone destroyed the harbour city at the mouth of the Ganges river. Most ships were sunk and estimated 20,000 people drowned.

4. Shaanxi Earthquake – 1556, China [Deaths: 830,000]

The effect of the quake

The 1556 Shaanxi earthquake or Hua County earthquake is the deadliest earthquake on record, killing approximately 830,000 people. It occurred on the morning of 23 January 1556 in Shaanxi, China. More than 97 counties were affected. A 520 mile-wide area was destroyed and in some counties, sixty percent of the population was killed. Most of the population in the area at the time lived in yaodong, artificial caves in loess cliffs, many of which collapsed during the catastrophic occurrence, with great loss of life.

Modern estimates, based on geological data, give the earthquake a magnitude of approximately eight on the moment magnitude scale. While it was the most deadly earthquake and the fifth deadliest natural disaster in history, there have been earthquakes with higher magnitudes. Aftershocks continued several times a month for half a year.

An account written at the time says:

    “In the winter of 1556 AD, an earthquake catastrophe occurred in the Shaanxi and Shanxi Provinces. In our Hua County, various misfortunes took place. Mountains and rivers changed places and roads were destroyed. In some places, the ground suddenly rose up and formed new hills, or it sank in abruptly and became new valleys. In other areas, a stream burst out in an instant, or the ground broke and new gullies appeared. Huts, official houses, temples and city walls collapsed all of a sudden.”

3. Bhola Cyclone – 1970, Bangladesh [Deaths: 500,000 - 1,000,000]

The impact of the cyclone

The 1970 Bhola cyclone was a devastating tropical cyclone that struck East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) on November 12, 1970. It was the deadliest tropical cyclone ever recorded, and one of the deadliest natural disasters in modern times. Up to 500,000 people lost their lives in the storm, primarily as a result of the storm surge that flooded much of the low-lying islands of the Ganges Delta. The Pakistani government was severely criticized for its handling of the relief operations following the storm, both by local political leaders in East Pakistan and in the international media.

The cyclone intensified into a severe cyclonic storm on November 11, and began to turn towards the northeast as it approached the head of the Bay. A clear eye formed in the storm, and it reached its peak later that day with sustained winds of 185 km/h (115 mph). The cyclone made landfall on the East Pakistan coastline during the evening of November 12, around the same time as the local high tide.

2. Yellow River Flood – 1887, China [Deaths: 900,000 - 2,000,000]

Boats on the Yellow River

The Yellow River (Huang He) in China is prone to flooding, due to the broad expanse of largely flat land around it. The 1887 Yellow River floods devastated the area, killing between 900,000-2,000,000 people. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters ever recorded. For centuries, the farmers living near the Yellow River had built dikes to contain the rising waters, caused by silt accumulation on the riverbed. In 1887, this rising seabed, coupled with days of heavy rain, overcame the dikes, causing a massive flood. The waters of the Yellow River are generally thought to have broken through the dikes in Huayankou, near the city of Zhengzhou in Henan province.

Owing to the low-lying plains near the area, the flood spread quickly throughout Northern China, covering an estimate 50,000 square miles, swamping agricultural settlements and commercial centers. After the flood, two million were left homeless. The resulting pandemic and lack of basic essentials claimed as many lives as those lost directly by the flood itself.

1. Yellow River Flood – 1931, China [Deaths: 1,000,000 - 4,000,000]

Refugees caused by another Yellow River flood

The 1931 Yellow River flood (Huang He flood) is generally thought to be the deadliest natural disaster ever recorded, and almost certainly of the twentieth century (when pandemics are discounted). Estimates of the number of people killed in the 1931 flooding range from 1 to 4 million. Deaths caused by the flooding include but are not limited to drowning, disease, ensuing famines, and droughts. Lesser population densities in prehistoric times make it unlikely that this toll had previously been surpassed.

Between July and November, some 88,000 sq km of land were completely flooded, and about 21,000 sq km more were partially flooded. The river is often called “China’s sorrow” because millions of people have been killed by flooding.

source : http://listverse.com

Ibergrid publishes 2011 Annual Report

Ibergrid has published its first annual report, which is available for download in .pdf format. here http://www.es-ngi.es/documentos/Ibergrid_report_2011_downloadable.pdf

Ibergrid was set up in May 2010 as an umbrella organisation for INGRID and ES-NGI,  the Portuguese and Spanish National Grid Initiatives. The organisation offers aggregated computing power of more than 24,000 cores and 20 Petabytes of online storage available 24/7 and supports scientists in many fields of research, including High Energy Physics, Computational Chemistry, Engineering and Nuclear Fusion. The usage of Ibergrid resources has doubled over the past year, reaching 124 million CPU hours in December 2011.

But what are Portuguese and Spanish researchers doing with these resources? The Ibergrid Annual Report answers the question in great detail listing more than 20 pages of use cases and practical applications of grid computing to research in Portugal and Spain, from the ECO-SELFE model (already featured as a case study in this website) to contributions to Computational Chemistry and the Life Sciences.

source : http://www.egi.eu/news-and-media/newsfeed/news_0125_Ibergrid_Annual_Report.html

Berikan Dukungan Anda,, Bebaskan Blogger Vietnam!

Tiga bloger Vietnam telah dipenjara karena menyampaikan kritik kepada pemerintah melalui blog mereka. Dalam aksi yang dianggap sebagai pelanggaran hak asasi manusia ini, bloger di Indonesia pun diharapkan mau bersuara.

Bloger Indonesia Diajak Dukung Bloger Vietnam

Beberapa organisasi non-pemerintah di Indonesia mencoba menggalang petisi lewat SuaraBlogger.org. Petisi ini diharapkan bisa menunjukkan kepedulian komunitas pengguna internet di Indonesia atas kejadian di Vietnam.

"Selain sebagai bentuk solidaritas dan kepedulian atas sesama bloger, juga sebagai bentuk partisipasi pengawalan praktik kebebasan berekspresi bagi sesama netizen di kawasan Asia Tenggara pada khususnya," tutur Donny Budhi Utoyo dari ICT Watch, salah satu organisasi non-pemerintah pelopor petisi tersebut.

Melalui petisi ini, tingkat kepekaan bloger di Tanah Air terhadap isu kebebasan berekspresi yang terjadi di negara lain diharapkan bisa lebih baik.

"Jangan pula kita mengagung-agungkan supremasi bloger di Tanah Air, tetapi ketika dihadapkan pada penegakan hak asasi manusia bloger di negara tetangga, lantas kita seperti jago kandang dengan memilih diam saja dan tidak mengambil sikap apa pun," ujar Donny.

Tiga organisasi pelopor petisi ini adalah Combine Resource Institute, ICT Watch, IDOLA, dan Suara Komunitas. Adapun individu yang terlibat dalam penyusunannya adalah Ade Fadli (Samarinda), Almascatie (Ambon), Andhika Wijaya (Palembang), Anggara Suwahju (Jakarta), Akhmad Nasir (Yogyakarta), Donny BU (Jakarta), Dwi Wahyudi (Pontianak), Frenavit Putra (Surabaya), Irene Poetranto (Toronto), Margiyono (Jakarta), Nike Rasyid (Palembang), Shita Laksmi (Jakarta), dan Sam Ardi (Malang).

Informasi lebih lanjut bisa dilihat di http://suarablogger.org

Bayu Ardiyanto Review Rating: 85 out of 100 based on199854 reviews.

Teori Flat Earth Society

Dalam kesempatan kali ini postingan ane adalah tentang Teori Flat Earth Society mudah-mudahan bisa bermanfaat bagi para pembaca , silahkan selamat membaca

Flat Earth Society (juga dikenal sebagai International Flat Earth Society atau International Flat Earth Research Society) adalah sebuah organisasi yang memiliki keyakinan bahwa bumi berbentuk datar, bertentangan dengan fakta-fakta ilmiah yang menunjukkan bahwa bumi itu bulat. Organisasi modernnya didirikan oleh seorang pria asal Inggris, Samuel Shenton pada 1956, dan kemudian dipimpin oleh Charles K. Johnson, yang menjadikan rumahnya di Lancaster, California, sebagai basis organisasi. Organisasi ini tidak lagi aktif semenjak kematian Johnson pada 2001, namun baru-baru ini organisasi Flat Earth Society dimunculkan kembali oleh presiden barunya, Daniel Shenton.

Asal mula
!Artikel utama untuk bagian ini adalah: Bumi Datar

Keeprcayaan bahwa Bumi berbentuk datar merupakan ciri khas kosmologi kuno sampai sekitar abad keempat SM, ketika para filsuf Yunani kuno mulai berpendapat bahwa Bumi berbentuk bulat.[6] Aristoteles adalah salah satu pemikir pertama yang mengajukan pendapat tentang Bumi bulat pada 330 SM. Menjelang awal Abad Pertengahan, pengetahuan bahwa Bumi itu bulat menyebar luas di seluruh Eropa.[7]

Hipotesis modern yang mendukung teori Bumi datar dicetuskan oleh seorang penemu asal inggris, Samuel Rowbotham (1816–1884). Berdasarkan penafsirannya mengenai ayat-ayat tertentu di Alkitab, Rowbotham mempublikasikan sebuah pamflet 16 halaman, yang kemudian ia kembangkan menjadi sebuah buku setebal 430 halaman berjudul Earth Not a Globe, yang menguraikan pandangannya. Berdasarkan sistem Rowbotham, yang dia sebut "Astronomi Zetetis", bumi adalah sebuah cakram datar yang berpusat di Kutub utara dan dikelilingi oleh dinding es Antarktika, sementara matahari dan bulan berjarak sekitar 4800 km (3000 mil) dan kosmos berjarak 5000 km (3100 mil) di atas bumi.

Rowbotham dan pengikutnya, seperti William Carpenter yang meneruskan hasil kerjanya, memperoleh perhatian publik dengan melakukan debat publik melawan para ilmuwan ternama. Salah satu debatnya, melibatkan naturalis terkemuka Alfred Russel Wallace, berkenaan dengan Percobaan Level Bedford (dan kemudian menyebabkan beberapa tuntutan hukum atas penipuan dan pencemaran nama baik). Rowbotham mendirikan Zetetic Society di Inggris dan New York, serta mengedarkan lebih dari seribu eksemplar Zetetic Astronomy.

Setelah Rowbotham meninggal, Lady Elizabeth Blount, istri Sir Walter de Sodington Blount, mendirikan Universal Zetetic Society, menerbitkan majalah The Earth Not a Globe Review, dan terlibat aktif sampai awal abad dua puluh. Sebuah jurnal Bumi Datar, Earth: a Monthly Magazine of Sense and Science, diterbitkan antara 1901–1904, dan disunting oleh Lady Blount sendiri. Pada 1901, dia mengulangi Percobaan Level Bedford yang dimulai oleh Rowbotham dan memotret efeknya. Hal ini memicu korespondensi di majalah English Mechanic dengan beberapa klaim yang menentang. Di kemudian hari, itu menjadi terkenal karena terlibat penipuan yang melibatkan praktik dental. Setelah Perang Dunia II, organisasi ini secara pelan-pelan mengalami kemunduran.
Flat Earth Society

Pada 1956, Samuel Shenton mendirikan International Flat Earth Society sebagai organisasi penerus dari Universal Zetetic Society. Dia menjalankan organisasi ini dari kediamannya di Dover, Britania.[12] Shenton lebih tertarik pada ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi alternatif sehingga pada organisasi ini, penekanan pada argumen keagamaan jauh berkurang dibanding pada organisasi pendahulunya.[13] Tidak lama setelah pendirian Flat Earth Society, satelit buatan pertama berhasil diluncurkan. Foto-foto yang diambil oleh satelit di luar angkasa kemudian memperlihatkan bahwa bumi adalah bulat. Akan tetapi Flat Earth Society tetap meyakini bahwa bumi itu datar. Shenton mengatakan, "Mudah sekali melihat bahwa foto seperti itu dapat memperdayai mata yang tak terlatih."

Samuel Shenton berhasil menarik perhatian publik. Dia masuk New York Times pada Januari dan Juni 1964, ketika julukan "flat-earther" juga tergantung di lantai Dewan Rakyat Britania Raya di kedua arah.

Organisasi ini juga berpendapat bahwa pendaratan Apollo di bulan adalah palsu, dilakukan oleh Hollywood dan didasarkan pada naskah buatan Arthur C. Clarke. Mendengar hal ini, Clarke mengirim surat lelucon pada kepala administrator NASA yang berisi pernyataan bahwa dia belum dibayar atas karyanya yang digunakan oleh NASA.

Pada 1969, Shenton berhasil membujuk Ellis Hillman, seorang dosen Politeknik, untu menjadi presiden Flat Earth Society berikutnya. Namun tidak ada banyak bukti mengenai keterlibatannya dalam Flat Earth Society. Setelah Shenton wafat, Ellis Hillman menambahkan koleksi perpustakaan Shenton ke arsip Science Fiction Foundation, yang ikut ia dirikan.

Shenton meninggal pada 1971 dan Charles K. Johnson mewarisi sebagian koleksi perpustakaan Shenton dari istri Shenton. Johnson lalu mendirikan dan menjadi presiden International Flat Earth Research Society of America and Covenant People's Church di California. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, selama lebih dari tiga dekade berikutnya, Flat Earth Society berkembang sampai mencapai sekitar 3000 anggota. Johnson mengedarkan buletin, pamflet, peta, dan berbagai materi promosi lainnya pada siapapun yang meminta. Dia mengelola semua permohonan keanggotaan bersama-sama dengan istrinya, Marjory, yang juga seorang flat-earther. Buletinnya yang paling terkenal adalah Flat Earth News, yang merupakan tabloid triwulanan setebal empat halaman. Johnson membiayai semua ini dari iuran tahunan anggota, yang berkisar dari $6 sampai $10 selama masa kepemimpinannya .

Berikut ini adalah beberapa kepala berita dari buletin Flat Earth News selama tahun 1970-an dan awal 1980-an:
    "Whole World Deceived... Except the Very Elect" (Desember 1977)
    "Australia Not Down Under" (Mei 1978)
    "Sun Is a Light 32 Miles Across" (Desember 1978)
    "The Earth Has No Motion" (Juni 1979)
    "Nikita Krushchev Father of NASA" (Maret 1980)
    "Galileo Was a Liar" (Desember 1980)
    "Science Insults Your Intelligence" (September 1980)
    "World IS Flat, and That's That" (September 1980)
    "The Earth Is Not a Ball; Gravity Does Not Exist" (Maret 1981)

Bendera Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa

Model bumi terkini yang dibuat oleh Flat Earth Society memperlihatkan bahwa bumi berbentuk cakram, dengan Kutub Utara sebagai pusatnya sedangkan Kutub Selatan merupakan dinding es di pinggiran bumi. Peta tersebut mirip dengan peta pada bendera Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, yang oleh Johnson digunakan untuk untuk memperkuat pendapatnya. Menurut model ini, matahari dan bulan masing-masing berdiameter 52 km (32 mil).
Flat Earth Society merekrut anggota dengan cara menentang pemerintah Amerika Serikat dan lembaga-lembaganya, terutama NASA. Sebagian besar literatur organisasi pada masa-masa awalnya lebih berfokus dalam penafsiran Alkitab secara harfiah, meskipun mereka juga berupaya memberikan bukti dan penjelasan ilmiah.

Perkumpulan ini mencapai 2,000 anggota pada masa puncaknya di abwah kepemimpinan Charles K. Johnson. Organisasi ini harus menghadapi bukti ilmiah yang sangat banyak dan opini publik yang meyakini bahwa Bumi itu bulat. Istilah "flat-earther" kemudian digunakan untuk menyebut seseorang yang secara keras kepala berpegang pada ide-ide yang didiskreditkan atau ketinggalan zaman..

Flat Earth Society mulai mengalami kemunduran pada tahun 1990-an, dan semakin terpuruk setelah terjadinya insiden kebakaran di kediaman Charles K. Johnson yang memusnahkan seluruh catatan dan data kontak anggota Flat Earth Society. Istri Johnson, yang ikut membantu mengelola database, meninggal tidak lama setelah itu. Charles K. Johnson sendiri meninggal pada 19 Maret 2001.
Flat Earth Society di Kanada

The Flat Earth Society of Canada didirikan oleh Leo Ferrari (1927-2010), seorang profesor filsafat di St Thomas University pada 1970, bersama dengan Raymond Fraser dan Alden Nowlan. Organisasi ini aktif sampai sekitar tahun 1984. Tujuan mereka cukup berbeda organisasi Flath Earth Society lainnya. Mereka percaya masalah yang muncul pada zaman teknologi ini adalah kemauan masyarakat untuk menerima teori "pada keyakinan buta dan menolak bukti dari indra mereka sendiri."

Mereka menerbitkan buletin berjudul The Official Chronicle dan mempromosikan gagasan mereka melalui televisi dan pers. Tujuan utamanya adalah "untuk memerangi pendewaan yang menyesatkan," "untuk memulihkan kepercayaan manusia dalam validitas persepsi sendiri," dan " ujung tombak untuk melarikan diri manusia dari penjara metafisik dan geometris."
Flat Earth Society modern
Logo Flat Earth Society modern

Pada November 2010, muncul forum diskusi Flath Earh Society di internet. Sementara forum lainnya yang juga berkaitan, yakni International Alliance of Flat Earth Groups, saat ini tidak lagi aktif.[24] Flat Earth Society juga muncul di Twitter dan Facebook.[26] Pada 2009, Flat Earth Society didirikan ulang dan anggotanya berjumlah 60 orang pada Maret 2010.

Pendukung Flat Earth Society pada masa kini tidak memiliki satu teori yang disetuju bersama. Tiap anggota memiliki gagasan yang berbeda mengenai bagaimana Bumi diciptakan. Beberapa mendukung gagasan bahwa bumi datar sepenuhnya, sementara yang lain mendukung bentuk cakram.

Daniel Shenton telah membangkitkan kembali organisasi Flat Earth society. Dalam suatu artikel di The Guardian, Shenton mengatakan bahwa dia memiliki 60 anggota. Laporan tersebut juga menyatakan Shenton memiliki situs web yang di dalamnya terdapat buletin organisasi dari tahun 1970-an dan 80-an."
referensi : wikipedia.org

Gimana postingan Teori Flat Earth Society menarikkan .. semogan psotingan ini berguna bagi anda

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